Our Global Policy Board
WeProtect Global Alliance is led by a multi-stakeholder Global Policy Board that provides expertise and advice to monitor and guide the activities of WeProtect Global Alliance. Members include representatives from countries, intergovernmental organisations and civil society organisations, and the technology industry.
The Board is made up of a combination of permanent members and seats which are filled on a rotational basis for a two-year period. The Board meets twice a year to oversee progress and agree the strategic direction of the Alliance.
Some of the core work of the Board includes:
- focusing on ending the sexual exploitation and abuse of children online
- putting advocacy and action at the heart of its mission
- promoting global and regional partnership, inclusiveness and collaboration
- respecting and promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals and international and regional legal instruments.
Baroness Joanna Shields OBE
WeProtect Global Alliance Management board member and founder of WeProtect.
Steve J. Grocki
Chief, Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section The United States Department of Justice
Lt. Colonel Dana Humaid Ai Marzouqi
Director General of the International Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Interior, United Arab Emirates
Gabriella Kärnekull Wolfe
Sweden’s Ombudsman against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Co-founder of the survivor organisation Not Your Whore and representative from Child10
Antonio Labrador Jimenez
Team leader in the Directorate General of Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission