Global Threat Assessment 2019

Working together to end the sexual exploitation of children online

We assess that the scale of the problem, both in absolute terms and in terms of reports to law enforcement and civil society, is increasing at an alarming rate. And behind every one of these cases there is a child who needs to be safeguarded and supported.

This “tsunami” of cases is increasing the burden on every pillar of the WePROTECT Global Alliance: governments, law enforcement, civil society and the technology industry. As internet connectivity grows, particularly in the Global South, offenders are able to find and exploit new victims.


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This report sets out to:

  • raise further international awareness and understanding of OCSE
  • provide a greater understanding of the threat and how it is evolving
  • enable a better understanding of the impact on victims and the wider societal impact
  • benchmark progress against GTA18 to monitor changes in the nature and scale of the threat, as well as the positive impact that interventions are having
  • provide recent case studies to support members in prioritising individual and collective investment decisions and interventions.

Previous Global Threat Assessment downloads:

Page last updated on 22nd November 2024